Size matters. Contrary to popular belief, very big kitchen is not always the best. Ideally, you want to move freely without bumping into furniture, yet fast and efficiently. When planning the kitchen try to arrange cabinets and appliances in such a way, that everything is reachable in two steps/moves.
Open up. Many apartments in the old houses in Budapest have small, outdated kitchen space that often goes with pantry. Today, our eating and cooking habits have changed considerably, and we prefer open-plan kitchens. To make your kitchen bigger consider removing non-load-bearing walls in the adjacent rooms and pantry (we don't have to store much food today, there's always a supermarket around the corner). Besides, open-plan kitchens, called in Budapest “American kitchen”, are popular, so it may be a good decision if you’re renovating with future re-sale in mind.
Choosing materials. Trends change, quality remains. Choose the best quality you can afford, and to avoid maintenance problems in future, make sure they are water- and stain-resistant, easy to clean, but also do not show every little crumb. Consult your contractor which materials last longest to avoid major kitchen renovations for as long as possible.
Let the light in. Before renovating your kitchen think through the lighting. Try to use as much natural light as possible to save energy and to make your kitchen look light and airy. Consider using glass panels or glass bricks where possible, think about spot lights for cooking area, and milder lights for dining space.
Stick to the basics. When choosing appliances and gadgets think about your cooking habits. For maximum efficiency and to save the space select a few reliable multifunctional basics that are easy to clean and maintain. Think energy-efficiency and safety, not just looks and price.