5 things to consider before you renovate

1. Do your research. Talk to your friends and colleagues who have been through home renovations and refurbishment in Budapest, read articles online, go to home improvement and do-it-yourself stores to check the prices and offer, browse through design magazines and interior websites for inspiration. This will give you an idea of what to expect in terms of budget and time and also help you to prepare yourself psychologically for apartment or home renovations.

Renovation in Budapest, some useful links and addresses:

PraktikerObiBaumax - construction, renovation, refurbishment, design, DYI stores

Balaton Bútor - Hungarian made furniture for home and office

Möbelkunst - Colleciton of original period furniture and accessories

2. Plan and budget your renovations. Whether you need just to freshen up your apartment in Budapest or to do major works, including heating, plumbing, electrical rewiring and other modifications, make sure you do your home work to plan and budget your renovation. Do window shopping and cost comparisons, check offers online and in stores, talk to anyone in the know, and do not forget to add on at least an extra 20% for those inevitable issues that will arise once you start.

3. Find the right contractor. We've all heard the terrible stories about renovations gone wrong or even been witnesses to a few of them. It can be especially hard to find experienced home renovation contractors that you can trust with renovating and redecorating your apartment in Budapest when you don’t speak Hungarian, and do not know the market. We all know that the best renovation specialists and workers can be found through word of mouth, but if you can’t find a contractor through recommendations, try searching online. There are companies that offer renovations services in Budapest for every budget, from low cost home improvements to deluxe interior design. 

4. Renovate for the future. Do not cheap out on materials and long life span equipment, such as water boilers or electric wiring. In the long run it will pay off because of lower maintenance costs, will be more energy efficient and safe. Do big things properly, listen to specialists and invest in quality renovation to avoid suffering in future. 

5. Have fun! Enjoy seeing your home in Budapest transformed by quality workmanship and good design solutions. With every new step — from finding the right renovations company in Budapest to discovering what are the walls of your home made of you are closer to the day when the work is done and you can enjoy your new space.